I am going to start with my favorite activity. We put the children inside a bubble! I had first seen this when I went to the show Bubblemania. You need to check out his website. He is amazing and now has other people he has trained.
My coworker, Lini, found this fantastic book called Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy.

It is about a boy who gets caught in a bubble and gets carried away. It is a tongue twister of a story that the group found highly engaging. It lends itself well to critical thinking questions and giving some thought to predicting the ending.
We continued this experience outside by filling a shallow plastic wading pool with homemade bubble mixture; lots of Dawn dish liquid (be brand specific here), water and some glycerin.
We put a stool in the center-this is important for two reasons. It keeps the child dry and sand is bubble mixture's worst enemy!
We put a hula hoop in the pool.
Picked up the child onto the bench and then lifted the hula hoop up fairly quickly encasing the child IN the bubble.
My talented daughter even got the bubble to close around the child a couple of times.
The children were thrilled and wanted to repeat the experience again and again.
One more helpful hint...bubble activities work especially well on damp days.
Give this a try-it was a lot of fun!
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