Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Musical Tires

We tried a new spin on musical chairs using the tires we had on our playground.  We put the tires in a circle.  While we set up the music, the children enjoyed guessing what we were going to do with the tires in this arrangement.

Then we explained the game.  Each time the music stopped they needed to sit or get some part of their bodies on a tire.  Each time the music stopped we would be taking a tire away-not a child!  The children were never out.  However, each time the seating became more limited and the negotiating for a place became trickier.

As the the number of tires decreased we were able to talk about how many children fit on each and  how many were in each group.  There were comments and observations about groups of numbers and predictions of what would happen next.  We played until we fit all children-all 16-on one tire-even if it was just by the toe.

Math, music, gross motor and negotiation all wrapped up in one quick playground game of musical tires.  This could be done with mats or towels as well if you do not have tires available.  Give it a try!


  1. You can also use Hula-Hoops and discuss patterns based on colors. I'll have to try it with K-2 students. Thanks

  2. Great Idea! While I was doing this outside, our threes teacher was doing it inside with hula hoops. A great way to get some exercise and movement on a rainy day. Always love to hear about more movement being done in elementary school. Thank YOU.

  3. Great, This specific net webpage is seriously thrilling and enjoyment to learn. I’m an enormous fan from the subjects mentioned. tires
