
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Importance of Play...pass it on

This quote was featured on ExchangeEveryDay this morning.  It is worth another posting to further this important message.

"Play is essential to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being of children beginning in early childhood.  It is a natural tool for children to develop resiliency as they learn to cooperate, overcome challenges, and negotiate with others.  Play also allows children to be creative.  It provides time for parents to be fully engaged with their children, to bond with their children, and to see the world from the perspective of their child.  However, children who live in poverty often face socioeconomic obstacles that impede their rights to have playtime, thus affecting their healthy social-emotional development.  For children who are under resourced to reach their highest potential, it is essential that parents, educators, and pediatricians recognize the importance of lifelong benefits that children gain from play."

This strong statement on the importance of play summarizes a clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics published in the January issue of Pediatrics

And yet, these are the very children that once they get to a school setting are taken away from free play to do much more skill and drill activities in the mindset of helping them to "catch up".  

Please help to pass this article along to others in this field.  

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